You must read the following safety pledge and release.
Our Primary concern is safety! For your safety, HELMETS WILLL BE REQUIRED! Please obey all traffic laws and regulations. The route is along the bike trail and public roadways shared with private and commercial vehicles. I realize that the road surface may contain cracks, gravel, potholes, etc., which cannot be controlled by tour organizers. I will be observant and cautious as I share these public bike trails and roadways with other cyclists and motorized vehicles. I will be courteous to other cyclists and will ride in a predictable, safe manner, keeping them informed of my intentions by using proper signals. I will give audible warning when passing other riders. I will keep my personal safety and others always in mind. Riders under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
Upon signing this release for myself or the named entrant(s) (when under 18 years old), I fully understand the intent of this release and agree completely and fully to absolve all sponsors, workers, and organizers, singly and collectively for all blame or liability for any injury, death, misadventure, harm, loss, property damage, or inconvenience suffered as a result of taking part in the tour including but not limited to the failure to wear a helmet when cycling. By signing this release, I also consent to any medical treatment that may be deemed necessary or appropriate in the event of injury, accident and/or illness during the event. I fully understand and agree that my safety is my personal responsibility.
If entrant is 18 years or older he/she must sign for themselves. If not, parent or legal guardian must sign.
I have read fully & completely agree to the Safety Pledge and herein release organizers & sponsors of this event.